
#rp14 speaker: Georg Wurth - Crowd-High FTW!

The Web is a launching pad for future TV stars? Been there, done that. The Web is a surplus dollar store for has-been celebrities in the “What is so-and-so up to these days?” category? Seen it, seen it, seen it. The Web as a hospice for ailing TV shows? Now that’s new – at least it was until the start of this year. “Millionärswahl” (“Choose a Millionaire”) was one of those (and anything but subtly titled) German TV casting show that just throws money around.     

The prospect of winning millions attracted a whole host of different applicants with various talents and project ideas, from action street-comedians to wheelchair-acrobats to people with social and political causes, including lobbyist and CEO of the German Hemp Association Georg Wurth.

When the “Millionärswahl” mutated from million Euro game-show to million Euro flop-show, the broadcaster pulled the rip cord and moved the show’s final to the Web. This turned out to be rather convenient for Georg and his online community. The Hemp Association is supported by a highly motivated, 70 000 strong Facebook group as well as a large and established community. His case for federal wide cannabis legalisation managed to beat off the competition, not least because of the community’s strong support. His success can also be chalked-up as a win for the Internet and is a good example of the power of online-campaigning, in a time of mass online petitions. So, all’s well that ends well?

Well, we still have a couple of questions: how cannabis-friendly is the Web really? What’s going to happen with the million Euros prize? And when will we see cannabis legalisation?
INTO THE WILD goes INTO THE COFFEESHOP – only a matter of time, if Georg Wurth has anything to do with it. Come and check out a little taster at this year’s re:publica.